Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hark The Herold Angels Sing...

Tomorrow is the first day of December. All the yellow, orange, and brown of Autumn gets put away, and out comes the red, white, and green of the Christmas season. The weather is finally getting cool enough to make a fire in the fireplace and to bake heartwarming meals in the oven. Now that the days are getting shorter, I am enjoying the little white lights that line the ceilings of the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bath. The neighbors are also starting to decorate with pretty lights and Christmas displays; it's a joy seeing how it cheers up the streets in the darkness. Inside, it is not uncommon to find Buttons and Sweet Pea snuggling together to keep warm on the bed in the guest room or curled up in the sun in a south-facing window. It's marvelous how they have the ability to relax and nap so serenely. The Christmas season is upon us; I will make each day a celebration of my Saviour's birth.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Giving Thanks to God

What a great day to start a blogsite. The day after Thanksgiving many of us are recovering from an overabundance of blessings. God is so good to provide every good thing, and I dedicate this blogsite to Him and give thanks for all the blessings and abundance He has given me in my life. I thank Him for giving me life, both physical and spiritual. I thank God for sending His only Son to die for us on the cross to save us from our sins so we could be reconciled with Him and have eternal life with Him in heaven and an abundant life here on earth. I thank Jesus for His love for us that He would give up His life for us. I thank God for my husband, my parents, my family, friends and church. I thank Him for our country, the freedoms we have to pursue happiness and wholesome living. I thank God for simple, humble things like a sweet kiss from my Honey, a baby's laugh, a bird song, a sun ray or a butterfly. And I'm thankful for quiet moments and the soft purr and warmth of my "kittens". I thank Him for home and hearth in our comfortable little nest I call a "Sea Cottage"--a girl can dream, can't she? I thank You, Lord for each new day that You give me to serve You and love others with Your awesome love. To God be all the glory, honor and praise for ever and ever, amen.