Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I wish everyone a safe, cheerful, and prosperous new year!! Happy 2009!

The Enjoyment of Natural Art

For Christmas Bill's family had a reunion in Oceanside. One day we went to some beautiful tide
pools. The grays and the yellow-greens and the pale blue greens were enchanting. This is the only day I took pictures other than people pictures... While I shot pictures of all who were there, it was sweet little Lily that was the most captivating to photograph in her gray/blue sweater...

Leftovers Anyone?

Yesterday I found myself with a lot of leftovers from the family reunion and decided to make some soup; now that it isn't too hot outside, it sounded like a good idea and I didn't want to waste the bounty that was so generously given to us. So I went to work on a vegetable and turkey soup and viola!!! We have soup...
Next, we had leftover yams from Christmas dinner that I had cooked on the grill with the intention of using the leftovers for "Yamwiches!!" A yamwich is made with a cooked yam, some chicken, a T of mayo, and some seasoning all wrapped in a steamed collard green leaf!!! Super healthy and super good... Take a look; I photoed it for you!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Pink and Aqua Inspirations

I was just blog surfing and stumbled over these lovely places--so cute--that make me want to get out all my pink and aqua scraps and make crazy quilt squares! Check out this blogspot picture and this other one also has a pretty crazy patch demo to look at while you're at it.
I wish I could post one of the pictures, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet! (Please enjoy Buttons dreaming in the sun out in the courtyard with a pink and aqua wall hanging instead...)

The Cobbler Pots Are Here!!

I just got my new little cast iron cobbler pots today in the mail, so I wanted to try them out. Here's my first creation using the cobbler crust ingredients that came with the pots. From now on, though, I'll be making "crunches" because I like the added oatmeal, brown sugar and butter on top.
What I really bought them for is to make homemade pot pies; ain't nothin' like the smell of pot pies cookin' on a cold day... If anyone has a good one to share, please send it my way. I'm just trying to avoid that canned soup texture and taste and all those funny, unhealthy ingredients most have from the store.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Some Great Songs

I was really touched by this song particularly for those who have adopted a child and didn't have to...

and this one is one of my favorites too:

I like to listen to this when I'm not sure what's going on with my health...

Delicious Bed and Breakfast Recipes

I just loved this website for entertaining since the recipes are meant to serve to large groups -- they have to make large quantities for the people staying at their bed and breakfast--the Yelton Manor in South Haven, MI . The serve up some tasty stufff there--umm umm!! Check it out!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My "Wholesome" Home

I promised myself I would get around to giving you a peek at the changes I made to the kitchen a few weeks ago to make it more "Christmasy". It has become a family tradition to change out the dishes and decor when the season changes. It's not anything grand or fancy; I like to keep things uncomplicated and simple. I like to walk into my kitchen in the morning and smile.
P.S.--- I'm a little behind since I am just learning how to get the pictures from the camera to the blog page. Did I mention that I'm a low-tech person who hasn't gotten around to learning these things until tonite... I have to have a derned good reason to go through all the boring technology, but now that I see what I can to with it, it's worth it!
P.S.S.--- You can click on the pictures to get a closer look...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Interesting & Amusing Minutia about Me

I got inspired by Awesome Amber to write one of these lists kinda like that "WinnDixie" movie. You think you know somebody...

50 Things About "Auntie BarBar"

  1. I'm a lefty.
  2. I'm 1/64 Iroquois Indian and proud to be even a tiny part Native American.
  3. I'm also a proud member of the McGregor clan and a DNA descendant of Rob Roy McGregor the famous Scottish folk hero.
  4. I love my cats, but won't take on more than 2 at a time!
  5. My secret alter ego is "The Tropical Cowgirl."
  6. I've never been to Hawaii, but I want to go there sometime before I die!
  7. I love traditional Hawaiian music and dancing.
  8. I love hammer dulcimer music in the morning; it's so happy sounding.
  9. Ditto for mandolin music, and someday I hope to be able to play them both proficiently.
  10. I used to dislike country music, but since 911 I discovered many excellent songwriters in that genre that convey what a lot of Americans have been feeling since then...
  11. I love to beautify things; I feel that is part of my job in life. Someones gotta do it!!!
  12. I love God with all my heart, my soul, and my strength.
  13. I love people and secretly wish they could all experience God's unfathomable love like I and many others do...
  14. My heart goes out to those who struggle with issues and still refuse God's help and love.
  15. I'm soooo thankful for all the blessings God had given me through the people in my life.
  16. Even though God's plan for us didn't include having any kids, my original family is still very important to me.
  17. I adore my husband of 26 years; he is a strong, steady soul despite being an incomplete quadriplegic, and will always be my hero.
  18. I love chocolate, but my rule is not to buy it.
  19. I love pesto and I have a big, honkin' basil bush growing in my backyard and 6 baggies frozen in the freezer.
  20. I love, love, love, red!!!
  21. I love talking and writing; I guess communicating and sharing stuff in general.
  22. I was an "A" student and graduated a year early from high school.
  23. I love the beach; the smell of the sea air, the sound of the waves and seagulls, the beauty of it all, sand, water, sun...
  24. I love the mountains; the fresh air, the trees, water, sounds of birds and water and wind, and being outdoors in nature in general.
  25. I love to draw, paint, and sketch.
  26. I enjoy quilting and thinking about all the beautiful things you can do with it.
  27. I adore my sister, Shell, who inspires me almost daily and I'm grateful for all the joys that her family brings to my life.
  28. I love soup and crusty, rustic sourdough bread when it's cold outside.
  29. I enjoy the look and sound of warm fire in the evenings in the fall and wintertime.
  30. I love movement, which is a weird thing for me to say while sitting in one place all afternoon blogging my heart out!!!
  31. I studied Chinese medicine and macrobiotic cooking back in the 90's and sometimes I use it to re-balance myself.
  32. I love games like Scrabble and Upwards--I'm the word person; Bill's the numbers person.
  33. My best friend owns a big international craft stamp company, and I am in awe of her talents and her servants heart.
  34. I'm a collector of beautiful stuff and of supplies to create beautiful stuff. And I love the word "stuff".
  35. I'm a "clothes horse".
  36. I'm an INFP; look that one up in your Funkenwagnel!
  37. I sing in an awesome choir, with a lot of very talented singers and musicians.
  38. I lost my achin' gallbladder a year ago & God's given me a new lease on life!! Yahooooo!!!
  39. One of my favorites songs is, "When I Get Where I'm Goin'" by Brad Paisley.
  40. Ever since I had an NDE, I know God loves us completely, more then we'll ever know.
  41. I have the same dream: that people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character...
  42. I wish I could play a wood or clay flute.
  43. I love to cruise good yard sales, thrift stores, and flea markets for beautiful items.
  44. I'm completely in awe of God and can't wait for Jesus to come back in all His Glory!!!!
  45. I love dance and I envy other cultures that have their own special dances...
  46. I used to be a sprinter in school and used to run everywhere when I wasn't on my bike.
  47. Ice cream is my favorite "junk" food; another food I won't buy or I'll eat it all.
  48. I used to wear hiking boots all the time--I lived in Washington state 17 years.
  49. I have an awesome Mom who amazes me with her love and unique ways. Her wholesomeness has helped me to become the person that I am today...
  50. I'm thankful to be part of three great families: mine, Bill's and God's; I love them all "no matter what"...because they are a special gift given to me to help me grow in love.
Whew, enough already about me....PS My dear Daddy was pretty awesome too, but I want to devote a whole blog entry to him later....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blog Your Heart Out

Words are a special gift from God. People that share them in a productive, creative way are such a blessing. It is truly a gift.
A couple years ago I saw a class in the continuing ed booklet for a free journaling class. I was intrigued, so I signed up and what a nice surprise. Ten to fifteen complete strangers, mostly women, writing about a certain subject each from their own unique perspective. The most beautiful thing of all to me was I had no idea those kind of thoughts and experiences would come from a particular person. If I saw that person on the street, I would have no access to the depth and beauty of what that person wrote in that small circle of women. It really gave me new respect for the comman person's experience. I learned that people have gone through a lot in their lives, especially the older folk, and I just loved to hear about the way things were compared to how they are now.
I feel so blessed to have the blogosphere space to "blog my heart out" and to be able to read what's on your heart too (or to see your latest creative masterpiece!) Being able to speak about what's on your heart and about the things that are important--whether sacred or frivolous--is the key to unlocking the mystery of another person so as to know and love that person too. If we only knew the inner workings of our fellow man, we would be more connected and compassionate...
P.S Sweet Pea the cat says, "Have a purrrrrlovely day!"

Monday, December 8, 2008

Awesome God Adventures

I just love the blog world; so many adventures to be had going in and out, around and about from link to link. Sometimes I can't find my way back if I forget to write down where I was. I've been telling everyone I know about this great, creative place where people freely share their hearts and inspirational talents. (And, oh by the way, I got so inspired, I started one too!) So if you have come here as a starting place, linger awhile and read and enjoy!! I have to admit though, after travelling around the blogosphere a bit myself, there is so much more to be than this humble, little simple blogspot... So make sure you click around all the links that tickle your fancy until you take in all the creative bounty you can stand--blessings abound!!!! I have to tell you about what happened while I was cruising blogspots about an hour ago; I had one of those "God thing" coincidences!!! I stumbled across another blogspot was written on December 3rd that used the same picture that I posted with my blog later that same day (It was done by a different artist). The other thing that is unbelievable is that when I stumbled across it today, December 8th, I was serendipidously adventuring though the blogosphere. I wasn't looking for anything in particular; I just kept clicking on anything that looked interesting, so I was all over the place, wherever my whimsy took me. The picture I'm talking about is the one called "The Good Shepherd". This makes me pause and think how He has strange and wonderful ways to speak to (me) us and it confirms in my soul how much He cares and wants (me) us to know it...Wow!!! How awesome is our God?!!! I love you, Lord, thank you.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY December 4, 2008... Outside my window...It's dark, but there are white icicle lights with round red bulbs lined around the top on my next door neighbor's house. I am thinking...I'm going to have to finish this later because I have to leave in 10 minutes to go to a Bible Study. I am thankful for...thoughtful and creative blogspots; I'm still totally gobsmacked by them and the beautiful people that create them--thank you!!! From the learning rooms...To trust the Holy Spirit to guide my life and to be still and listen to Him... From the kitchen...Brown rice and veggies for my finiky stomach--oh the joys of getting older--just can't eat what I used to... I am wearing...White long sleeve V-neck tee with black Travelers pants, a red quilted vest and brown Uggs. I am creating...An appliqued quilt square for a quilt my Bible Study putting together to a raffle off to help Dalit women of India next spring. I am going...To my Bible study in just a few moments. I am reading...Galations 5:16-26 in Max Lucado's study of Galations. I am hoping...I will get there on time! I am hearing...My laptop making it's funny little hums and clicks and my hubby milling around in the next room, and my cat's claws ticking down the hall across the Pergo floor. Around the house...Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. Lots to be done, as usual... One of (a few) my favorite things...Love, God's love and the tradition and beauty of Christmas. Also retro Christmas carols... A few plans for the rest of the week: Finish this blog piece, rethink meal plans to help lower cholesterol, work on Christmas cards and gifts that need sending out. Sing in 3 services this weekend with our wonderful choir and go to a Third Day/By the Tree benefit concert!! Here is picture thought I am sharing... See above photo by Lillie A Faris, I don't know how to get it down here--waaaaa!!! Please go to: if you would like to do one of these daybooks--it's fun!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Simple Devotion

For Today...
Dear Lord,
I bring you my inability to express and live out your love to those who mock you, and for holding a grudge, not knowing what to do (or not being obedient to do it...)
I bring you my worship and praise...That even when I was the person who used to mock and shun you, you still loved me and welcomed me back into your loving arms after 25 years of thinking I could white-knuckle it on my own...and that you allowed me make the choice of how I wanted to live my life and what kind of legacy I wanted to leave the world...
I bring you my prayer...that you would use me to be a humble light in the world to spread your message to true love for humanity especially to those who are struggling with accepting and understanding how you love us more that we could even imagine or comprehend...
You spoke to me... as I read other women's blogs today and saw the evidence of how you have touched so many lives already and have blessed us with a wholesomeness and creativity that is so beautiful and wonderful that it fills my heart with joy!
Thank you, Lord...
Photo by Lillie A Faris